Career Guidance

The Power of Colors: Choosing the Right Palette for Your Writing Style

Psychology of Colors The Power of Colors: Choosing the Right Palette for Your Writing Style Colors have a significant impact on our emotions, perceptions, and even the way we interpret information. As students, you might be wondering how to harness the power of colors to enhance your writing style. In this blog post, we will …

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web designing projects

Web Design Projects: Enhancing Skills and Boosting Your Resume

In today’s digital era, web design is a crucial skill for creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites. Undertaking web design projects not only helps you enhance your skills but also adds value to your resume. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of web design projects and highlight impressive examples that can make …

Web Design Projects: Enhancing Skills and Boosting Your Resume Read More »

VidhyaNiketan School

Career Guidance session at Vidhyniketan School We move to the schools and colleges to guide the learners to achieve there Goals(Dreams). Career Guidance(WHAT IS NEXT?) Team Haadi visited the Vidhya Niketan school in Bangalore. We conducted the session on career guidance for students and teachers. Team Haadi Vidhyaniketan School Haadi We spoke about how important …

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Vidyaranya trust

We visited the orphanage to serve Groceries and school kits We came to the orphanage to provide 25 kids with groceries and school kits. Join us every month, we work for an effect. We came to the orphanage to provide 25 kids with groceries and school kits. Impact We Did Our Experience We came to …

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Make children Smile

We Satisfy Hunger and Make children Smile In the heart of Bangalore, we found an orphanage near Koramangala that needed groceries for the children To support them with their food needs a group of volunteers from the Haadi Organization visited the orphanage Over 25 children were able to feed them We made them SMILE Aishwarya …

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Swetha at Haadi

Learner By Haadi Swetha L The learner of Haadi,  the achievements made by the learner with Haadi  About I am a B.Com graduate, Looking for Job Assessment one 1. Html Assessment two 2.heart beats Assessment three 3.web designing I love the 3 session Leading 0% Learning 0% Creativity 0% Experience of Swetha L I am …

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