Grocery kits distribution bY Haadi
Fight Against Hunger
Our Mission
The Grocery Kits distribution By Haadi.
Our team discovered that during lockdown we were serving the grocery kits in our community to the people who are in need.
team did a survey at the time during lockdown we got few names these are the people who lost their jobs during the lockdown.
At that time we distributed glossary kits to the families there were few families to whom we did not distribute as they said they have the ration at their home for a week.
The group figured we would call the people from the same information we gathered during the lockdown to find the needy.
Team had 180 families, from which our team screened and identified people in need.
We made the first calls to them and then we were quiet for a few days we know that if they are really in need they will get in touch with us again. We found 16 families who are really in need.
Now it was time to find a solution and we were aware of the problem. Always providing the grocery kits from our and will not be the solutions, as people have lost their jobs because of covid-19 we have been in contact with a small number of other organizations, but it didn’t work at all.
Even after a week, no organization responds to us, which is why we have been demotivated here thanks to Raghavendra(reap benefit) he motivated steering that it’s not the only way you can raise the funds and distribute the grocery kits. Raghavendra also told us the methods of how we can reach the funds.
We started to raise funds from college mates, friends, and in our own family.
We raised 2000 rupees with which we were able to make 4 grocery kits and distributed to 4 needy families.