Haadi with Reap Benefit

Haadi working with Reapbenfit. The volunteers of Haadi joined Reapbenfit for the event of sanitary pads distribution.

Our Volunteer Leaders

Working together for an Impact

Khushi and Kriti

The change makers at ReapBenefit. Solve Ninjas working on sanitation problems


A volunteer at Haadi, Supported in gathering 15 school students for sanitary pads distribution. Kavya’s Work, made her impact on taking leadership.

Anjum Khan F

A volunteer at Haadi, Supported in gathering 11 Women and students for sanitary pads distribution. Anjum’s Work, made her impact on taking leadership.

Asma Khan Ashrafi

The change makers at Haadi. Asma Is the leader in her community, she gathered 15 girls for sanitary pads distribution.


A volunteer at Haadi, Supported in gathering 14 students for sanitary pads distribution. Sushita’s Work, made her impact on taking leadership.

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